Create. Values. Sustainably.

‘Create. Values. Sustainably.’ is our mission and an expression of our strategic positioning, our ambitions, and our identity. Our main task is to create, manage, secure, and pass on values for all our customers.

We are motivated and driven by our customers’ needs and wishes.

Snowy mountains in the Alps

Our business philosophy

The BTV practices banking as it used to be: deposits from the region go back into the region in the form of loans made to innovative companies, projects, and private individuals. We manage savings prudently and deliberately.


Investing, not speculating

Our long-term, forward-looking, reliable actions make BTV a convincing and trustworthy partner. The foundation for this is a sustainable business strategy, responsible company leadership, and a values-based corporate culture. Following our motto, ‘investing, not speculating’, the main focus is on a holistic approach to advising.


Since we’re entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand the underlying factors of successful business models: innovation, strategies, decisions, and perseverance are called for. Especially during disruptive times like these, we stand by our customers as a strong partner and offer our values as the guidelines for our actions and decisions.


We are a host in one of Europe’s most attractive economic regions and offer international digital and analogue solutions. In customer support, BTV convinces with its trustworthy customer relationships, its network, and its special service orientation.


Our customers value BTV’s independence and entrepreneurial thinking. Without political influence or corporate guidelines, we can act entrepreneurially – in the interests of our customers, shareholders, and employees. As part of the 3 Banken Group, today we represent a convincing and highly competitive counter-model to global financial corporations.

Zwei Männer im Anzug sitzen auf einer Parkbank und unterhalten sich.

Support Concept

We all want to lead fulfilled lives. But what makes a good life is a matter of opinion. Nevertheless, we’re convinced: at its core, it’s a matter of one’s job, health, family, and financial freedom.

Woman holds soil with a small plant in both hands

Mind & Attitude

BTV is a company with spirit & attitude. Spirit means recognising what’s right. Attitude means doing what’s right. From this attitude and inward conviction, we work intensively on topics concerning the future and develop sustainable solutions. Through our actions, we contribute to the wellbeing of future generations.

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