Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft, Innsbruck
Staad branch
Hauptstrasse 19
9422 Staad
Telephone +41 71 858 10-10
Winterthur branch
Zürcherstrasse 14
8400 Winterthur
Telephone +41 52 208 19-10
VAT Number and Company Register Number: CHE-111.688.429
Swift: btvach22
GIIN: 8JJ8VI.00000.BR.756
Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft
Stadtforum 1
6020 Innsbruck
Telephone +43 505 333-0
Legal structure: joint-stock company
Registered office: Innsbruck, registered at the Regional Court and Commercial Court of Innsbruck under FN 32942w
VAT Number: ATU 31712304
DVR 0018902
GIIN: 8JJ8VI.00000.LE.040
QI-EIN: 98-0236304
Legal notice and exclusion of liability
The Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft (BTV) has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on its websites was correct and complete when it was provided. However, unintentional or accidental errors might occur, for which the BTV apologizes. We assume no liability for any information on the websites.
The data and information on BTV AKTUELL is provided by Reuters, Bloomberg, SIX Telekurs, OeKB, 3-Banken Generali Investment-Gesellschaft m.b.H, Google News and their licensors, and other providers of data and information.
The BTV reserves the right to change or supplement the information provided without prior announcement. The BTV does not inspect other websites containing links to the BTV’s internet sites in terms of content or lawfulness.
The expressions used in the websites, such as “customer,” “manager,” or “employee,” refer equally to both women and men.
Pursuant to the E-Commerce Act, the Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft must point out that emails sent to the BTV are retrieved and processed only during normal banking hours. For BTV customers, BTV points out the necessity of a proper agreement to conclude banking transactions.